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You Asked Us: My Boyfriend Won’t Touch Me

Posted on December 20, 2011

The Question: My boyfriend will not have sex with me, will not kiss me or hug me or cuddle. He tells me that he’s working on it and he’s taking Cialis for the physical part, but even that isn’t helping. How long do I wait? It’s been over three years…


Our gut response to your situation is how sad this must be for you, and lonely, to be in a relationship with a guy who is unable to express himself physically. And the best advice we can give you is through asking you some more questions: Has he always been this way? No kissing, etc. since the begining of the relationship? And, how are you doing? How does his behavior make you feel? Does me make up for his lack of affection in other ways? (Like making you dinner, leaving you sweet love notes—stuff like that to make you feel special?)


You want to know how long you should keep waiting it out and, sadly, we can’t give you a magic number. However, we think that if you’re not being shown affection and love, you’re not in a relationship that’s going to be fulfilling in the long run. It seems like your guy might have issues that need professional solutions and you don’t need to play the role of the dedicated girlfriend while he sorts them out. If it were us, we would have been gone a long time ago.


You Asked Us: Am I Settling?

Posted on February 2, 2012

I’ve been seeing this guy for three months. We are both recently divorced and are in no hurry to rush into things. I’m a serial monogamist and known to have quick, intense relationships. With that said, this guy seems to have it together-good credit, intelligent, great steady job, etc. We have great conversations, great sex, and he loves spending time with me. The only thing that bothers me is that there doesn’t seem to be any fire or passion coming from him—he’s only occasionally affectionate. That’s something I do want. I’m wondering: Am I settling again or does passion and affection grow with a relationship?


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